Real estate agent’s headshot guide for 2023

real estate agent smiling in headshot

Though you might be behind the camera most of the time, real estate agent headshots are an important part of any realtor’s toolbox. They help you establish a reputable and trustworthy brand and make you more memorable.

To get the most out of your realtor headshot session, it’s important to prepare. We’ll work together on the day to make sure you feel comfortable (and to keep those pesky fly aways under control). But here are some top tips for planning your outfit, makeup, and poses before the session.

What are real estate agent headshots?

First thing first—let’s define what realtor headshots are and their purpose. Real estate headshots are professional photographs of real estate agents or professionals in the industry. They are primarily used for marketing and branding purposes. These headshots typically focus on the individual's face, capturing their facial features, expressions, and personality.

Real estate headshots are typically well-lit, high-resolution images that capture the agent's professionalism and personality. They should reflect the agent's style, target market, and personal branding. A skilled photographer can guide real estate agents to pose and present themselves in a way that aligns with the image they have in mind and the industry's expectations.

What is the purpose of real estate headshots?

Real estate agent headshots serve several purposes:

  • Personal Branding: Headshots help establish a personal brand for real estate professionals. They convey a sense of professionalism, credibility, and approachability, allowing clients to form a connection and trust with the agent.

  • Marketing and Advertising: Headshots are used in various marketing materials, such as business cards, brochures, websites, social media profiles, and online listings. They provide a visual representation of the agent and help create a recognizable image for potential clients.

  • Online Presence: In the digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for real estate agents. Headshots are used for professional profiles on real estate websites, social media platforms, and professional networking sites like LinkedIn.

  • Consistency and Recognition: Consistent headshots across different marketing channels help create a cohesive brand identity. Clients who see the same headshot across various platforms will recognize and associate it with the agent, increasing brand recognition and recall.

Do you really need real estate agent headshots?

While real estate headshots are not mandatory, they can provide numerous benefits that contribute to your professional image and marketing efforts. Investing in high-quality headshots shows your commitment to your career and can give you a competitive edge in the real estate industry.

5 benefits of professional real estate headshots

  1. Professionalism and Credibility

    A high-quality headshot projects professionalism and conveys a sense of credibility. It helps establish the realtor as a competent and trustworthy professional in the eyes of potential clients. A polished headshot demonstrates that the realtor takes their business seriously and is committed to providing excellent service.

  2. Personal Connection

    Real estate is a relationship-based business. A well-crafted headshot allows potential clients to see the realtor's face, making it easier for them to connect on a personal level. It humanizes the realtor and creates a sense of familiarity, helping to build trust and rapport before even meeting in person.

  3. Branding and Recognition

    A consistent and recognizable headshot is a crucial component of a realtor's branding efforts. It becomes a visual representation of their personal brand and distinguishes them from other agents. When clients see the headshot consistently across various marketing materials and platforms, it reinforces the realtor's brand identity and helps clients remember them.

  4. Differentiation and Competitive Advantage

    In a competitive real estate market, a professional headshot can help realtors stand out from the crowd. It presents them as someone who takes their image and presentation seriously, which can make a significant impact when clients are choosing among multiple agents. A good headshot can help create a positive first impression, potentially giving realtors an edge over their competition.

  5. Online Presence and Social Media

    In today's digital age, potential clients often research realtors online before making contact. Having a professional headshot for online platforms such as the realtor's website, social media profiles, and professional directories is essential. It improves the agent's online presence, helps them appear more approachable, and increases the likelihood of attracting leads and inquiries.

Overall, a good headshot is an investment for realtors, as it plays a crucial role in establishing professionalism, building trust, creating a personal connection, and differentiating themselves in a competitive industry.

real estate agent smiling beside green wall in headshot

6 ways to use professional realtor headshots

A real estate agent can use headshots in various ways to enhance their professional image and promote their business. Here are some ways in which a real estate agent can utilize headshots:

  1. Business Cards and Marketing Materials: Headshots can be included on business cards, brochures, flyers, and other printed marketing materials. This helps clients and prospects recognize and remember the agent more easily.

  2. Online Presence: Headshots are essential for creating a professional online presence. Real estate agents can use their headshots on their website, social media profiles (such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram), and professional directories. This helps to establish credibility and a personal connection with potential clients.

  3. Email Signatures: Including a headshot in an email signature can personalize communication and make the agent more recognizable. This can be especially useful when corresponding with clients or other industry professionals.

  4. Advertising and Billboards: Headshots can be used in advertisements and billboards to promote the real estate agent's services. This visual representation helps to create brand recognition and can attract potential clients.

  5. Print and Digital Media: Real estate agents often get featured in newspapers, magazines, and online articles. Including a professional headshot with such publications enhances their visibility and helps readers associate the agent's name with their face.

  6. Property Listings and Open House Signage: Including headshots on property listings and open house signage can help potential buyers and visitors identify the real estate agent associated with the property. This makes it easier for interested parties to approach and engage with the agent during property viewings.

When using headshots for professional purposes, it is crucial to ensure that they are of high quality, professionally taken, and represent the agent in a positive and approachable manner.

How to take great real estate agent headshots

Every realtor has something unique to offer. Your specific knowledge and personality are huge assets and differentiators. And a good photographer knows that great real estate headshots must encapsulate these important competitive advantages.

Once you’ve narrowed on a photographer you want to work with (step one), you can follow the rest of these steps to get the most out of your headshot session:

  1. Research and Choose a Professional Photographer

    There are a lot of excellent photographers out there. But they don’t all work with individuals one-to-one to define their goals, brand, or personality traits to highlight. To get realtor headshots that hit the mark, look for photographers specializing in headshots or portrait photography. Check their portfolios to ensure they have experience capturing professional images suitable for real estate agents. Read reviews or ask for recommendations from other real estate professionals.

  2. Define Your Brand and Image

    Before the photoshoot, think about the image you want to convey as a real estate agent. Consider your target market, your personal style, and the message you want to send to potential clients. Communicate this vision to the photographer so they can capture the right tone and style in your headshots.

  3. Schedule a Consultation

    Arrange a consultation with the photographer to discuss your requirements and expectations. A great photographer will listen closely to your ideas and bring some of their own to the table. So feel free to share your brand vision, discuss locations or backdrops, wardrobe options, and any specific shots you may have in mind. The photographer can guide you on what will work best for your goals.

  4. Prepare and Plan Your Wardrobe

    Choose outfits that reflect your professionalism and align with your brand. Consider wearing clothing that is appropriate for the real estate industry and showcases your personal style. In general, you’ll want to avoid busy patterns or distracting accessories that could take attention away from your face. Your photographer should help you select a few different outfits for the shoot to ensure you have variety in your final selection.

  5. Practice Good Grooming

    Pay attention to grooming details before the shoot. Ensure your hair is well-styled and neatly trimmed, your nails are clean, and your facial hair is groomed (if applicable). Men may consider getting a fresh shave or trim before the session. Additionally, drink plenty of water and get a good night's sleep the night before your shoot to look refreshed.

  6. Consider Professional Hair and Makeup

    For an extra touch of polish, you may want to consider hiring a professional hair and makeup artist. They can help you achieve a flawless look that photographs well, enhancing your features and ensuring you look your best.

  7. On the Day of the Shoot

    Arrive early to the photo shoot to allow ample time for setup and any last-minute preparations. Follow the photographer's guidance and try to relax during the session. It might be awkward at first, but the more you can trust their expertise in posing and direction, the better your final shots will be. Feel free to get creative! I love seeing what my clients have in mind and experimenting with different poses, angles, and expressions to capture a range of shots.

  8. Review and Select Your Favorites

    After the photoshoot, the photographer will provide you with images to review. I email you a link to all of your lightly edited images (minus any with your eyes closed or an overzealous gust of wind). Take your time to evaluate each image based on your goals and personal preferences. You might want to share some of your top pics with a mentor or professional friend. And most photographers will give their two cents if you ask for it. Narrow down your choices to a set of high-quality headshots that represent you well.

  9. Editing and Retouching

    Once you've chosen your favorite images, the photographer will typically perform basic editing and retouching to enhance the final photos. This may include adjustments to exposure, color, cropping, and minor touch-ups to ensure a polished appearance. I call this the extra sparkle. I don’t ever want to change someone’s face. This image should look like you on your best day.

  10. Receive and Utilize Your Headshots

    Once the editing process is complete, the photographer will provide you with the final, high-resolution images. Use these headshots across your marketing materials, online platforms, and any other relevant channels to promote your real estate business effectively.

Remember, clear communication with the photographer and careful attention to detail will help ensure that you achieve the desired results and end the experience with great real estate headshots that align with your personal brand.

8 tips for posing for professional realtor headshots

Posing for real estate headshots requires a balance between professionalism, approachability, and conveying your personal brand. Here are eight tips to help you pose effectively for real estate headshots:

  1. Maintain Good Posture

    Stand or sit up straight with your shoulders back. Good posture exudes confidence and professionalism, creating a strong presence in your headshot.

  2. Relax Your Shoulders

    Avoid tensing your shoulders, as it can make you appear rigid or uncomfortable. Allow your shoulders to relax and keep them slightly down to create a more natural and approachable look.

  3. Engage Your Eyes

    Look directly into the camera with a relaxed and friendly gaze. Engaging your eyes with the lens helps establish a connection with potential clients.

  4. Chin Placement

    Be mindful of your chin position. Avoid tilting your head too far up or down, as it can distort your facial features. Aim for a neutral or slightly tilted chin position for a flattering and balanced look.

  5. Smile Naturally

    Smile with a natural and genuine expression. Practice a relaxed smile beforehand, and avoid forcing an overly wide or rigid smile. Your smile should convey approachability and warmth.

  6. Experiment with Angles

    Explore different angles to find the most flattering one for your face. Slight variations in head tilt or camera angles can make a significant difference in the overall composition of the headshot.

  7. Show Confidence

    Exude confidence through your body language. Stand tall, maintain eye contact with the camera, and have a relaxed yet poised demeanor. Confidence in your pose can help build trust with potential clients.

  8. Experiment with Hand Placement

    Consider how to position your hands. Avoid crossing your arms, as it can create a closed-off or defensive stance. Instead, place your hands naturally on your hips, in your pockets, or lightly rest them on a nearby object.

Remember, these tips are meant to serve as general guidelines. It's important to work with your photographer during the headshot session, as they can provide specific instructions and guidance based on your unique features and the desired outcome of the photos.

blond real estate agent sitting on bench in headshot

Good real estate agent headshot locations

Apologies for the confusion. When it comes to a real estate headshot shoot, the location choices are typically more limited, as the focus is on capturing a professional and clean image of the real estate agent. Here are some suitable locations for a real estate headshot shoot:

  • Studio: A professional photography studio provides a controlled environment with proper lighting equipment and backdrops. This is a popular choice for headshot sessions as it allows for precise control over the lighting and ensures a consistent look across all the images.

  • Office Setting: Consider using a well-lit corner of your real estate office as a backdrop for your headshots. This can provide a professional and recognizable setting, reinforcing your association with your brokerage or agency.

  • Outdoor Urban Areas: If you prefer a more natural and relaxed look, you can opt for outdoor locations in urban settings. Look for clean and visually appealing backgrounds such as brick walls, modern architecture, or cityscapes that can complement your headshot.

  • Natural Surroundings: Outdoor locations with natural elements like parks, gardens, or green spaces can offer a softer and approachable vibe. These settings can be particularly suitable if your brand positioning emphasizes a friendly and client-oriented approach.

  • Neutral Backgrounds: In some cases, a simple and neutral background can be an excellent choice to keep the focus solely on the real estate agent. This could include plain walls, seamless backdrops, or textures that don't distract from the main subject.

Ultimately, the choice of location will depend on your personal branding, the image you want to convey, and the overall style of your headshots. It's important to discuss your preferences with your photographer, as they can provide guidance and suggest suitable locations based on your vision and the intended use of the headshots.

More tips for professional real estate agent headshots

  1. Use Hair Products: Prior to the shoot, use hair products that help manage flyaways. Apply a small amount of smoothing serum, anti-frizz spray, or styling cream to your hair. These products can help tame stray hairs and provide a smoother appearance.

  2. Brush and Comb: Carry a brush or comb with you during the shoot to quickly fix any flyaways that may arise. Take breaks between shots to do a quick touch-up and ensure your hair looks neat.

  3. Hairspray: Spraying a light mist of hairspray can help hold your hair in place and reduce flyaways. Opt for a flexible or light-hold hairspray to avoid a stiff or unnatural look.

  4. Avoid Static: Flyaways can be exacerbated by static electricity. To minimize static, avoid wearing clothing made of synthetic materials that can cause friction against your hair. Natural fibers like cotton or silk are less likely to create static.

  5. Moisturize: Dry hair is more prone to flyaways. Prior to the shoot, make sure your hair is well-moisturized and properly conditioned. Consider using a hydrating hair mask or leave-in conditioner a day or two before the shoot to help minimize frizz and flyaways.

  6. Avoid Touching Your Hair: Constantly touching or running your fingers through your hair during the shoot can actually make flyaways worse. Try to resist the temptation to touch your hair too often, as it can disrupt the hairstyle and create more frizz.

  7. Work with the Photographer: Communicate with the photographer and hairstylist during the shoot. They may be able to notice and help fix any flyaways that you may have missed. They can also adjust lighting and angles to minimize the visibility of any stray hairs.

  8. Keep it Natural and Neutral: Opt for a natural and neutral makeup look that enhances your features without being too overpowering. Aim for a fresh and flawless appearance that is suitable for a professional setting.

  9. Prep your skin: Perfection is not the goal, but priming your skin for a photography session can help you get the best images possible. Start with a clean and moisturized face. Apply a lightweight, matte foundation or tinted moisturizer that matches your skin tone. Use concealer to cover any blemishes, redness, or under-eye circles. Set your foundation with a translucent powder to reduce shine.

  10. Define Your Eyes: Focus on defining your eyes without going overboard. Use neutral eyeshadows in shades like beige, taupe, or soft brown to create subtle depth and dimension. Apply a thin line of eyeliner close to the lash line to enhance your lash volume. Finish with mascara to lengthen and separate your lashes.

  11. Enhance Brows: Well-groomed brows frame the face and can make a significant impact in photos. Fill in any sparse areas using a brow pencil or powder that matches your natural brow color. Use light, feathery strokes to create a natural look.

  12. Soften Blush and Contour: Apply a natural blush to add a subtle flush of color to your cheeks. Choose shades that complement your skin tone, such as soft pinks or peachy tones. Use a matte bronzer or contour powder to add gentle definition to your cheekbones and jawline.

  13. Opt for Soft Lip Colors: Choose lip colors that are soft and neutral, enhancing your natural lip color. Soft pinks, mauves, or nude shades work well for a realtor photo shoot. Avoid bold or overly glossy lip colors that may distract from your overall appearance.

  14. Consider Longevity: Since photo shoots can take time, consider using long-lasting and smudge-proof products. This will help your makeup stay intact throughout the shoot and reduce the need for frequent touch-ups.

  15. Take Test Shots: Before the actual photo shoot, take some test shots in different lighting to see how your makeup translates on camera. This will allow you to make any necessary adjustments or fine-tune your look.

  16. Dress Professionally: Opt for professional attire that aligns with the real estate industry's standards. This helps convey competence and credibility. Consider wearing a well-fitted suit, blazer, or dress shirt for a classic and polished look. Avoid casual or overly trendy clothing that may distract from your professionalism.

  17. Stick to Neutrals and Solid Colors: Solid colors tend to work best for headshots as they keep the focus on your face. Neutrals like black, gray, navy, and white are timeless choices. These colors are versatile and allow for easy integration with different marketing materials and backgrounds. Additionally, they tend to create a clean and professional appearance.

  18. Avoid Busy Patterns and Logos: Avoid wearing clothing with busy patterns, bold stripes, or large logos. These can be distracting and take away from the main focus of the headshot, which is your face. Opt for simple and clean designs that won't compete for attention.

  19. Consider Your Branding and Target Market: Think about your personal branding and the target market you want to attract. Choose clothing that reflects your brand identity and appeals to your ideal clients. For example, if your target market is upscale luxury buyers, consider more formal and sophisticated attire. If you specialize in a specific neighborhood or community, incorporating local colors or styles can help establish a connection.

  20. Pay Attention to Fit and Tailoring: Ensure that your clothing fits well and is properly tailored. Ill-fitting clothes can appear unprofessional and distract from your overall image. If needed, consider having your outfit professionally altered to achieve the best fit.

  21. Coordinate with Background and Lighting: Discuss the shoot's location and backdrop with your photographer. Consider the color scheme and lighting conditions to choose clothing that complements the surroundings. For example, if the background is light-colored, wearing darker clothing can create a pleasing contrast.

  22. Keep Accessories Simple: Minimize accessories to maintain a clean and professional look. Avoid excessive jewelry, large statement pieces, or anything that could draw attention away from your face. Simple, elegant accessories like a classic watch or small earrings can add a touch of style without overwhelming the composition.

  23. Bring Multiple Outfits: It's a good idea to bring a few different outfit options to the shoot. This allows you to experiment with different looks and styles. It's always helpful to have variety in your headshots for different marketing purposes.

Getting real estate agent headshots that work

It might be tempting to take your own real estate agent headshot or use a selfie. But in reality, people want to see a professional, polished headshot when searching for an agent they can trust. A good headshot requires more than excellent lighting and a brand-worthy location (though these are also essential). It also requires some finessing from an experienced photographer who can help capture the unique qualities that make you stand out and build a stellar reputation as a real estate agent.

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