20+ tips to be more photogenic

photogenic woman smiling outside

Becoming more photogenic is something many people aspire to. While natural beauty varies from person to person, there are some tips and tricks that can help enhance your photogenic qualities and boost your headshot session. But first, let’s get a better understanding of what photogenic really means.

What does photogenic mean?

The term "photogenic" is used to describe someone or something that appears attractive or visually appealing in photographs. It refers to the ability of a person or subject to present well in front of a camera, resulting in aesthetically pleasing or captivating images.

Being photogenic doesn't necessarily mean being conventionally attractive or fitting a specific beauty standard. It's more about the camera capturing the person's unique qualities, charisma, and charm in a way that translates well through the photograph. A photogenic person may have features, expressions, or a presence that consistently translates well in various photographic settings.

It's worth noting that being photogenic is subjective, as individual preferences and tastes vary. What one person finds photogenic, another person may not. However, following the tips and suggestions provided earlier can generally help enhance your photogenic qualities and make you feel more confident and comfortable in front of the camera.

21 tips to be more photogenic

If you’re wondering how to be more photogenic, you aren’t alone. Given the amount of filters and photoshopping out there, it’s no wonder so many people want to look better in photos. Most of the “secret sauce” to a great photo lies within an individual. Being comfortable in your own skin, and confident in who you are can do wonders to boost your photos. Understanding good lighting and poses help too, so here are 21 tips to help you look and feel your best in photos:

  1. Relax and embrace your confident side

    Confidence can make a significant difference in how you appear in photographs. It might be easier said than done but try to relax, get comfortable in your own skin, and let your genuine personality shine through.

  2. Practice posing

    Spend some time in front of a mirror and experiment with different poses and angles. Find angles that flatter your features and highlight your best attributes. Tilting your head slightly, elongating your neck, and having good posture often make a positive impact.

  3. Be aware of your body language

    Pay attention to your body language in photos. Avoid slouching or crossing your arms, as this can make you appear closed off. Instead, stand or sit up straight and keep your shoulders relaxed.

  4. Find flattering lighting

    Lighting plays a crucial role in photography. Soft, diffused light is generally more flattering than harsh, direct light. If you're taking outdoor photos, try shooting during the golden hour (the hour after sunrise or before sunset) for a warm, flattering glow. Indoors, position yourself near a window or use soft, natural lighting whenever possible.

  5. Experiment with different expressions

    Don't be afraid to try different facial expressions and experiment with smiles. Find what feels natural and comfortable for you and your type. A genuine smile often radiates warmth and beauty.

  6. Enhance your features

    You can enhance your features subtly with makeup or grooming. Highlighting your eyes with mascara and defining your brows can help draw attention to them in photographs. Wearing clothes that complement your skin tone and flatter your body shape can also make a difference.

  7. Be mindful of the background

    Pay attention to the background in your photos. A cluttered or distracting background can take away from the focus on you. Choose clean, simple backgrounds or ones that complement your style and aesthetic.

  8. Relax and have fun

    Remember that photography is about capturing moments and expressing yourself. Enjoy the process, let go of self-consciousness, and have fun during your photo sessions. When you're relaxed and enjoying yourself, it's easier to look natural and photogenic.

  9. Find your best angles

    Experiment with different angles to determine which ones flatter your features the most. Tilting your head slightly, turning your body, or angling yourself can make a difference in how you appear in photos.

  10. Practice your smile

    Spend time in front of a mirror practicing different types of smiles. Discover what smile looks most natural and flattering on you. Remember to smile with your eyes for a more genuine expression.

  11. Relax your face and jaw

    Tension in your face can translate into a rigid or strained look in photographs. Before the photo is taken, consciously relax your facial muscles, particularly your jaw, for a more natural and relaxed appearance.

  12. Be aware of your chin position

    Pay attention to the position of your chin. Avoid tucking it in too much or jutting it forward, as these can create unflattering angles. Instead, find a relaxed and neutral position for a more balanced look.

  13. Highlight your best feature

    Determine your best feature and find ways to draw attention to it in photographs. If you have captivating eyes, for example, emphasize them with makeup or by framing them well in the composition of the photo.

  14. Play with props or accessories

    Incorporate props or accessories that reflect your personality or add interest to the photo. These elements can help you feel more confident and provide visual points of engagement in the image.

  15. Experiment with different hairstyles

    Try out different hairstyles to see which ones complement your face shape and enhance your features. Different hairdos can significantly impact your overall appearance in photos.

  16. Be mindful of posture

    Good posture can make a substantial difference in how you appear in photos. Stand tall, elongate your spine, and roll your shoulders back. This not only enhances your physical presence but also exudes confidence.

  17. Relax your hands

    Stiff or awkward hand positions can detract from the overall look of a photo. Instead, keep your hands relaxed and natural. You can gently rest them on your hips, hold an object, or engage in a gesture that feels comfortable to you.

  18. Use the rule of thirds

    When composing a photo, consider the rule of thirds. Mentally divide the frame into thirds horizontally and vertically, and position yourself or the focal point of the photo along these lines. This can create a more visually appealing and balanced composition.

  19. Experiment with different lighting

    Lighting plays a crucial role in photography. Try taking photos in various lighting conditions to see which ones are most flattering for you. Soft, diffused lighting is generally more forgiving and can help create a pleasing glow.

  20. Relax your eyes

    Avoid staring directly into the camera with wide, unblinking eyes. Instead, relax your gaze and blink naturally. This gives a softer, more natural look to your eyes.

  21. Have fun and be yourself

    Ultimately, the key to being photogenic is to relax, enjoy the moment, and be yourself. Let your true personality shine through in your expressions and body language. Authenticity is incredibly captivating in photographs.

Remember, becoming more photogenic is a journey of self-discovery and experimentation. Each person is photogenic in their own way, it’s more about feeling you look your best in photos. Embrace your unique qualities, have confidence in your appearance, and have fun exploring different techniques and styles that work best for you.

Beauty is subjective, and being photogenic is not solely about conforming to a particular standard. Embrace your uniqueness and focus on highlighting your best features and personality in photographs.

man smiling in field looking happy and photogenic

How to smile naturally in photos

Taking a natural smile in photos can instantly add warmth and make someone look more approachable. But it can also be a bit challenging for some people. Here are some tips to help you achieve a genuine and natural smile:

Think happy thoughts

Before the photo is taken, try to bring a genuine smile to your face by thinking of something that makes you genuinely happy or recalling a pleasant memory. This can help create a more authentic smile.

Relax and be comfortable

It's essential to be relaxed and comfortable in front of the camera. Tension or discomfort can show in your facial expression. Take a deep breath, loosen up, and try to enjoy the moment.

Use humor and laughter

If possible, have a lighthearted conversation or use humor to create a relaxed and joyful atmosphere. Genuine laughter often results in natural smiles that look more authentic in photos.

Smile with your eyes

A genuine smile involves more than just your mouth. Engage your eyes by slightly squinting them, which is known as a Duchenne smile. This type of smile, involving both the eyes and mouth, is considered more sincere and natural.

Avoid forcing a smile

Trying too hard to smile can make it look forced or awkward. Instead, aim for a soft and gentle smile that feels natural to you. Relax your facial muscles and let the smile come naturally.

Practice in front of a mirror

Spend some time practicing different smiles in front of a mirror. Observe how your face looks when you smile genuinely versus when you force it. Find the smile that feels most comfortable and natural for you.

Capture candid moments

Candid shots often result in the most natural smiles. Instead of posing for the camera, engage in an activity or conversation, and let the photographer capture spontaneous moments when you're genuinely enjoying yourself.

Take multiple shots

Sometimes, the best smiles come after a few warm-up shots. Take multiple photos in a session to increase the chances of capturing a natural and genuine smile.

Everyone's smile is unique, and what looks natural on one person may differ for another. The key is to be yourself, relax, and let your happiness shine. Experiment with different techniques, and over time you'll develop your own style of natural smiles in photographs.

General makeup tips for photogenic headshots

Makeup can be a useful tool for enhancing your features and looking your best in photos. Here are some makeup tips to consider:

  • Prep your skin: Start by ensuring your skin is well-prepped. Cleanse, moisturize, and apply a primer to create a smooth base for your makeup. This helps your foundation go on more evenly and last longer.

  • Use foundation sparingly: Opt for a lightweight, buildable foundation that matches your skin tone. Avoid heavy or cakey foundations, as they can look unnatural in photographs. Blend it well, paying attention to areas that may need extra coverage, such as redness or blemishes.

  • Conceal strategically: Use a concealer that matches your skin tone or is slightly lighter to cover under-eye circles, dark spots, or any other areas of discoloration. Blend it gently with your fingers or a makeup sponge for a seamless finish.

  • Define your brows: Well-groomed brows frame your face and can make a significant difference in your overall appearance. Fill in your brows with a brow pencil or powder, following their natural shape. Use light, feathery strokes for a more natural look.

  • Accentuate your eyes: Eyes are often the focal point in photographs. Enhance them by applying eyeshadow shades that complement your eye color and suit the occasion. Use eyeliner to define your eyes, and finish with mascara to add volume and length to your lashes.

  • Add a touch of color: Blush can bring life and dimension to your face in photos. Choose a blush color that complements your skin tone, and apply it to the apples of your cheeks for a subtle flush. Blend well for a natural-looking glow.

  • Define your lips: Depending on your preference and the look you're going for, you can opt for a bold lip color or a more natural shade. Use a lip liner to define the shape of your lips and prevent the color from bleeding. Apply lipstick or lip gloss evenly for a polished finish.

  • Set your makeup: To ensure your makeup lasts throughout the photoshoot, set it with a light dusting of translucent powder. This helps control shine and keeps your makeup in place. Carry blotting papers or a compact powder for touch-ups, if needed.

The goal of makeup for photography is to enhance your features, not to completely alter your appearance. Experiment with different techniques and products to find what works best for you. It's also a good idea to test your makeup look in different lighting conditions to ensure it looks natural and flattering in various settings.

Celebrating your uniqueness

Being photogenic is not about conforming to a particular mold; it's about celebrating your individuality and being unapologetically you. Embrace your quirks, express yourself authentically, and let the camera capture the magic that lies within you.


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