Headshot Photography FAQs

What do I wear to my photo session?

Generally speaking, you’ll want to wear and bring clothes that you feel good in and that represent your true style. If you have a variety of styles and want to capture a range of looks — bring clothing that reflects that.

Depending on your package, we will shoot at least two looks, so have those two looks in mind before you arrive and bring clothing options that suit the looks or types of roles you are going for.

I will also reach out a few days before our session to touch base and recommend some clothing colors and tones that I think would flatter your skin tone, eye color, and the backgrounds I have in mind for the session. At the end of the say, though, I want you to feel like the most comfortable and confident version of you. So bring clothing options that bring out your best side.

How many clothing options should I bring to my shoot?

If you’re having a professional session, I would only bring 2-3 options. A mixture of 2-3 ties, shirts, and jackets will be plenty for us to get a range of looks from.

If you are coming in for actor or artist headshots, or are looking for a creative portrait session, bring three to five options for tops (including dresses), and one to two jackets.

Do I need a makeup artist for a photo shoot?

I recommend that everyone (yes, everyone) over the age of 12 hire a professional makeup artist for their photo sessions. If you can book one for the day, please do. I am building partnerships to recommend artists, but in the meantime, Instagram is a great resource for finding an makeup artist that suits your style.

If you are unable to work with a makeup artist, don’t worry — YouTube has your back! Here are two videos I recommend for headshot makeup. They’re easy to follow and have worked out well with clients in the past.

What do I bring to a photo shoot?

What you choose to pack for the session is really up to you. Here are some items that will help keep things moving smoothly:

  • your clothing options: 3-6 options, depending on the shoot

  • lip balm

  • makeup: Even if you are working with a makeup artist, it can help to have some of your regular go-tos nearby.

  • snacks: I’ll have some things on hand, but bring anything you might want to snack on in case you are not a fan of my health food (or as my husband calls them: cardboard) options.

  • water: Again, I will have water, but it’s always good to be hydrated and have more along for the ride, just in case

  • comfortable shoes: We might walk and we will likely stand for some time. Make sure your feel are happy throughout the shoot.

  • Music ideas: I like to play music during studio sessions (but don’t worry, it is not essential). Let me know what sparks your creativity and energy so I can download/stream it.

  • A good attitude: Good vibes and an optimistic attitude go a long way. We both want to capture the best moments we can, and that starts with a stellar attitude.

How do I prepare for a photo shoot?

Everyone is a little bit different, but here are some cardinal rules an tips for getting the most out of your shoot with the right prep.

The day before

  • Get enough rest

  • Don’t overdo it with stimulants or avoid them altogether

  • Avoid eating too much salt or sodium-rich foods (I’m looking at you, sushi)

  • Avoid trying any new face products

  • If you exercise, do it gently. This is not the day for your first 10 mile run

  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

The day-of

  • Keep hydrating

  • Apply lip balm, even if you do not usually

  • Try to avoid stress and indulge in some self-care

  • Give yourself plenty of time. This includes getting ready and traveling to our location.

Do you shoot inside or outside?

The short answer: both!

I like to get outside whenever the weather allows for it. And I will almost always do some studio work for a range of backgrounds to choose from. I’m a big fan of using natural light, so even when we are indoors, I usually opt for natural lighting.

Do you have other questions?

Feel free to drop me a line and I will get back to you as soon as I am able.