23+ Tips for actors preparing for a headshot session

What are actor headshots?

Actor headshots are professional photographs of actors that serve as a crucial tool in the entertainment industry. These headshots are used for promotional purposes, casting submissions, and marketing an actor's image to agents, casting directors, producers, and other industry professionals. Actor headshots play a vital role in helping actors secure auditions and roles in film, television, theater, and other performance opportunities.

Why is it important to have a professional actor headshot?

Having a professional actor headshot is crucial for several reasons:

First Impressions:

In the entertainment industry, first impressions matter a great deal. Casting directors often sift through numerous headshots when selecting actors for auditions. A professional headshot can immediately convey a sense of competence, reliability, and commitment.

Casting Directors' Expectations:

Casting directors are accustomed to seeing professional headshots, and submitting one is considered a standard and expected practice in the industry. It demonstrates that the actor takes their career seriously.

Reflects Professionalism:

A professional headshot reflects the actor's commitment to their craft and professionalism. It sends a message that the actor understands the industry's standards and is ready to present themselves in a polished and marketable way.

Versatility and Range:

Professional headshots are often taken with the goal of showcasing the actor's versatility and range. Different looks, expressions, and styles can be captured to demonstrate the actor's ability to portray a variety of characters.

Marketing Tool:

Actor headshots serve as a powerful marketing tool. They are used in actor portfolios, on casting websites, and in promotional materials. A well-done headshot can make an actor more memorable and increase their chances of being noticed by casting professionals.

Online Presence:

In an era where much of the casting process has moved online, a professional headshot is essential for creating a strong online presence. Casting directors often review digital portfolios and casting websites, and a high-quality headshot can make an actor stand out in a digital crowd.

Increased Opportunities:

A professional headshot can open doors to more audition opportunities. Casting directors and agents use headshots to make initial selections, and having a standout image can lead to more callbacks and auditions.

Industry Standard:

Professionalism is expected in the entertainment industry, and having a professional headshot is part of meeting that standard. It shows that an actor understands the conventions of the industry and is willing to invest in their own success.

Building a Brand:

A professional headshot contributes to the actor's personal brand. It helps create a visual identity that is consistent with the roles they want to be considered for, whether that's a leading character, a character actor, or a specific genre.

Competitive Edge:

The entertainment industry is highly competitive, and actors need every advantage they can get. A professional headshot can give an actor a competitive edge by making them more memorable and appealing to casting professionals.

How are actor headshots different from other professional headshots?

Actor headshots differ from other professional headshots primarily in their purpose and style. Here are some key distinctions:


Actor Headshots: The primary purpose of actor headshots is to showcase an actor's range, personality, and ability to portray various characters. These photos are often submitted for casting calls and are an essential part of an actor's portfolio.

Other Professional Headshots: Headshots for professionals in other industries, such as business, law, or finance, are typically aimed at presenting a polished and approachable image for networking, business profiles, or corporate use.

Expression and Personality:

Actor Headshots: Actors are encouraged to display a range of expressions and emotions in their headshots to demonstrate versatility. The photos aim to capture the essence of the actor's personality and the various roles they can convincingly play.

Other Professional Headshots: Headshots for other professionals often focus on a friendly, approachable, and confident demeanor. Expressions are generally more neutral and tailored to convey professionalism.

Clothing and Style:

Actor Headshots: Actors often have multiple headshots showcasing different looks and styles to reflect the diversity of roles they can undertake. The clothing choices may be more varied, representing different characters or genres.

Other Professional Headshots: Attire for other professionals is typically more conservative and business-appropriate. The goal is to present a polished and competent image in line with the industry norms.

Background and Composition:

Actor Headshots: The background in actor headshots is usually simple and unobtrusive, emphasizing the actor's face. The composition may allow for a bit more creativity to convey the desired atmosphere or character.

Other Professional Headshots: Backgrounds for other professional headshots are often plain and neutral, with a focus on the individual's face. The composition tends to be more straightforward and business-oriented.

Editing and Retouching:

Actor Headshots: While retouching is common in all professional headshots, actor headshots may allow for a slightly more natural look, as casting directors want an accurate representation of the actor's appearance.

Other Professional Headshots: Retouching for other professional headshots may be more extensive, aiming for a polished and flawless look.

Number of Shots:

Actor Headshots: Actors often have a variety of headshots showcasing different looks and expressions to cater to diverse casting needs.

Other Professional Headshots: Other professionals typically have a more standardized headshot, often with a single or a few variations, emphasizing consistency and professionalism.

What makes a good actor headshot?

A good headshot for an actor is a crucial tool for getting noticed by casting directors and making a positive first impression. Here are some key elements that make a headshot effective:

  • Clarity and Sharpness: The photo should be clear, sharp, and well-lit. Avoid overly stylized or blurry images.

  • Natural Expression: Your expression should be genuine and reflect your personality. Casting directors want to see the real you, so avoid overly posed or forced expressions.

  • Focus on the Eyes: Your eyes can convey a lot of emotion. Make sure your eyes are clear, focused, and engaging.

  • Simple Background: The background should be simple and not distract from your face. Solid colors or subtle textures are often preferred.

  • Cropping and Framing: The headshot should focus on your face, shoulders, and upper torso. Casting directors want to see your facial features clearly, so avoid extreme close-ups or shots from too far away.

  • Wardrobe Choice: Wear clothing that is simple, classic, and enhances your features. Avoid busy patterns or clothing that distracts from your face.

  • Variety: Consider having a variety of headshots that showcase different aspects of your personality and casting range. This can include different expressions, hairstyles, and wardrobe choices.

  • Professional Quality: Invest in a professional photographer who specializes in headshots. The quality of the photo can make a significant difference in how you are perceived.

  • Up-to-Date: Make sure your headshot reflects your current look. If you've made significant changes to your appearance (e.g., hairstyle, weight loss or gain), update your headshot accordingly.

  • Casting Type: Your headshot should convey the type of roles you are best suited for. If you often play certain character types, make sure your headshot aligns with those roles.

Remember, your headshot is often the first impression casting directors have of you, so take the time to invest in a quality photo that accurately represents who you are as an actor. It's a valuable tool in marketing yourself in the competitive world of acting.

23 tips for actors preparing for a headshot session

1. Research Photographers:

Look for photographers with experience in actor headshots. Check their portfolios and reviews to ensure they are a good fit for your needs.

2. Book a Professional Photographer:

Invest in a professional photographer who specializes in headshots. Quality matters in making a positive impression.

3. Communicate Your Goals:

Clearly communicate your goals, the types of roles you're interested in, and the image you want to portray to the photographer.

4. Practice Facial Expressions:

Practice a range of natural facial expressions in the mirror to find what feels authentic and comfortable.

5. Bring Variety in Clothing:

Bring a selection of outfits that showcase your versatility. Include different styles, colors, and textures.

6. Avoid Logos and Busy Patterns:

Choose clothing without distracting logos or busy patterns. Solid colors or subtle patterns often work best.

7. Grooming:

Schedule haircuts, grooming, and any necessary personal care well in advance to look your best on the day of the shoot.

8. Hydrate and Rest:

Get a good night's sleep before the session and stay hydrated to look refreshed and energetic.

9. Arrive Early:

Arrive early to the session to allow time for any last-minute adjustments and to avoid feeling rushed.

10. Bring Props:

Consider bringing props that reflect your interests or the types of characters you want to portray.

11. Discuss Lighting Preferences:

Talk to the photographer about your preferences regarding lighting and discuss the mood you want to convey.

12. Be Open to Suggestions:

Trust the photographer's expertise. They may have suggestions for poses and angles that work well.

13. Relaxation Techniques:

Practice relaxation techniques to ease any nervousness and help you appear more natural in front of the camera.

14. Review Photographer's Portfolio:

Familiarize yourself with the photographer's past work to understand their style and the quality of their images.

15. Understand Usage Rights:

Clarify the usage rights of the photos. Ensure you know where and how the photos will be used.

16. Natural Makeup:

If you wear makeup, opt for a natural look that enhances your features without being overly dramatic.

17. Avoid Drastic Changes Before Session:

Avoid making drastic changes to your appearance right before the session, such as a new haircut or hair color.

18. Bring a Friend:

Consider bringing a friend for support, but ensure they don't distract you or the photographer during the shoot.

19. Posture Matters:

Pay attention to your posture. Good posture can convey confidence and professionalism.

20. Experiment with Angles:

Allow the photographer to experiment with different angles and perspectives to find your most flattering shots.

21. Ask for Feedback:

Don't hesitate to ask for feedback during the session. If there's something you're unsure about, communicate with the photographer.

22. Stay Flexible:

Be flexible and willing to try different poses and expressions. The more options you have, the better.

23. Enjoy the Process:

Finally, enjoy the process! A positive and relaxed attitude can contribute to more natural and authentic photos.

Remember that the goal is to capture your unique personality and versatility as an actor. Open communication with your photographer and thoughtful preparation will contribute to a successful headshot session.

How much do actor headshots cost?

The cost of actor headshots can vary widely depending on various factors, including the photographer's experience, location, and the package or services offered. Here are some general guidelines to give you an idea of the potential cost:

Entry-Level Photographers:

Photographers who are just starting in the business may offer lower prices to build their portfolio and attract clients. In this category, you might find sessions ranging from $100 to $300.

Mid-Range Photographers:

Photographers with moderate experience and a solid portfolio may charge between $300 and $600 for a headshot session. This range may include a specified number of edited photos.

Experienced Professionals:

Established and experienced photographers, especially those with a strong reputation in the industry, may charge $600 or more for a headshot session. This higher price often reflects the photographer's skill, expertise, and the quality of their work.

Packages and Add-Ons:

Some photographers offer packages that include additional services such as multiple looks, retouching, or makeup assistance. These packages may have higher overall costs but can provide added value.


The cost of headshots can also vary based on location. In metropolitan areas with a higher cost of living, photographers may charge more for their services compared to photographers in smaller towns or less expensive regions.

Retouching Fees:

Some photographers include basic retouching in their session fees, while others may charge an additional fee for retouching services. Be sure to clarify what is included in the overall cost.

Printing Costs:

If you choose to have physical prints of your headshots, printing costs may be an additional expense. Some photographers offer printing services, while others may provide digital files for you to print on your own.

The Lowdown on Actor Headshots

It's essential to consider your budget, but keep in mind that professional headshots are an investment in your acting career. Quality headshots can significantly impact your chances of securing auditions and roles. Before booking a photographer, review their portfolio, ask about their experience, and discuss what is included in their pricing. Additionally, inquire about any extra fees, such as retouching or additional services, to avoid surprises.


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How to pose for headshots