NYC & NJ Headshot and Portrait Photography Pricing
Real estate agent headshots
$800 (6 images)
2 outfits/looks
6 retouched images to use on business cards, social accounts and posts, flyers, your website, email signatures, home listings, and more.
Consultation to learn more about your business, niching, goals, and needs
Online gallery of all images
*Professional makeup artist add-on
Real estate agent headshots
$800 (6 images)
2 outfits/looks
6 retouched images to use on business cards, social accounts and posts, flyers, your website, email signatures, home listings, and more.
Consultation to learn more about your business, niching, goals, and needs
Online gallery of all images
*Professional makeup artist add-on
Real estate agent headshots
$800 (6 images)
2 outfits/looks
6 retouched images to use on business cards, social accounts and posts, flyers, your website, email signatures, home listings, and more.
Consultation to learn more about your business, niching, goals, and needs
Online gallery of all images
*Professional makeup artist add-on
The LinkedIn package
$550 (3 images)
2 outfits/looks
3 retouched images (including one banner for your profile)
A consultation to define your goals and best ways of working together
Online gallery of all images
*Professional makeup artist add-on